Saturday, April 14, 2018

Latest Fad- Bananas!?!

This blog is not only an rpg blog or chronicle of solo playing, its also my chronicle of my fads. I have a lot of them. They usually last about three weeks. Many of them (divination, chess, sourdough baking) still hang around me like old friends.

My latest one is kind of crazy. I am into finding and growing something called a Blue Java/ice cream banana. On Things I Learned on reddit that something called a Blue Java banana tastes just like vanilla ice cream.

Am I gullible? Well probably, but something just clicked in my head. Now while I have a backyard of banana trees (thanks negligible neighbor) so I need to be careful. My father calls banana trees "communists- you cut one down and a hundred spring up!", so I have to be careful, damn careful. I hope to do it all in pots.

But if anyone is also into bananas let me know